Getting Back to Yourself After Childbirth: Important Aspects for Women

The postpartum period is not only physically demanding but also psychologically and emotionally intense. We will look at what is important for women to find balance and regain themselves after this transformative experience.

Accepting the Postpartum Body

A key step in the process of returning to oneself is accepting the changes that occur in the body after childbirth. These natural changes are a testament to the miracle of life. Online psychotherapy can support women in building a positive relationship with their body and overcoming potential complexes.


Caring for a newborn can be absorbing, but it is also extremely important to take care of one’s own needs. Sleep, a healthy diet, physical activity, and time for rest are essential to maintain energy and mental health.

Social and Psychological Support

After childbirth, women may experience a range of emotions, including euphoria and depression. It is important to open up to social support, which can take various forms – from conversations with loved ones, to participating in support groups, or online psychotherapy sessions.

Finding Balance Between Parenthood and Identity

A challenge after childbirth is finding a balance between being a parent and maintaining one’s own identity. Online psychotherapy can help identify personal needs and life goals beyond the role of a mother.

Confrontation with Strain and Previously Acquired Knowledge

Postpartum confrontation with physical, emotional, and financial burden is inevitable. It is important to keep in mind that motherhood involves expenses and changes in daily life. Reducing activities outside the home, meal planning, and taking care of one’s own health are key in this process.

Loneliness and Social Support

In traditional cultures, where social support is stronger, motherhood may seem less lonely. However, in Western culture, where individualism dominates, women and their partners are often dependent on the state system and financial resources.


Returning to oneself after childbirth is an individual and complex process. It is important for women to find time for self-acceptance, care for their body and emotions, and support from their surroundings. Online psychotherapy can be a valuable support in this process, helping women to find themselves and balance after childbirth. Every woman should remember that her well-being is key to healthy parenting and fulfilling various roles in life with satisfaction.