Psychoterapeuta online Paulina Kubś

Wsparcie Psychoterapeutyczne dla Przyszłych Mam Przygotowanie do Ciąży lub Wsparcie w Okresie Prenatalnym oraz Postnatalnym

Psychotherapeutic Support for Mothers-To-Be, Preparation for Pregnancy or Prenatal and Postnatal Support

Many women feel that when they are planning to expand their family, they need to prepare for it – but they don’t always know how. Sometimes, it also happens, that the environment does not provide them with the support they need or even disturbs their sense of security. At the same time, it is also extremely difficult to believe the information they find on the Internet.

As part of my support, I offer conversations about seeing yourself as a mother and how to prepare a space in your life for your child. I counsel where to look for valuable knowledge and diagnose what patterns of parenting attitudes and stories about oneself as a child were rooted in the patient. This allows her to realize, with what she is entering her new role, what she wants to leave behind and what she wants to build. Support lasts until the baby is a maximum of 6 months old. The goal is to build a base for the mother-to-be.