Interventional Systemic-Cultural Psychotherapy
Theoretical Foundations and Goals
The theoretical assumptions of the ISCP method are aimed at the synthesis of many fields of psychology and psychotherapeutic approaches. This synthesis serves to provide a better orientation in the area of patients’ difficulties in order to make some assumptions as soon as possible. In other words, to place the patient with his history in various points of reference. This is known as mapping the identified object.
Process and Role of the Psychotherapist
Duration and Scope of Therapy
Adaptation of the ISCP Method to Individual Needs
The duration of psychotherapy depends on the patient’s will. In this method, the patient’s potential resistance to continuing therapy is confronted rather than fought or endured. It is possible that resistance has to be taken as a signal of the need to close this form of help, as the healing process slowly begins, which may require other methods or a different psychotherapeutic direction for the patient (e.g., therapy through the body).
Possibilities of the ISCP Method
The advantage of Interventional Systemic-Cultural Psychotherapy is its focus on the absence of suffering in therapy and on self-diagnosis, i.e. the patient’s creation of his own new structure. This may manifest itself in strong boundary-setting and taking responsibility for one’s needs or the desire to realize them.
Conclusion of Therapy
Criteria for Ending the Therapeutic Process
Therapy ends when the patient’s own structure takes over and he wishes to complete the psychotherapy process. In Gestalt terms, he feels closed, and according to the ISCP method, recognized. Therefore, this method does not interfere with other approaches.
Coexistence with Other Approaches
Integration with Other Approaches and Pharmacotherapy
This allows psychotherapy to continue with less risk of decompensation or the emergence of the need to implement pharmacotherapy in many patients with dysfunctional ego defense mechanisms (toward ego sleep, such as dissociations or derealizations, but not ego destruction — people with strong self-destructive tendencies are not worked with here).
In the ISCP method, the mechanisms of sublimation are strengthened. Pharmacotherapy is treated as a supplement or base for the treatment process and does not interfere with the course of this form of psychotherapeutic assistance.