Psychoterapeuta online Paulina Kubś

Superwizja Metodą IPSK - Interwencyjna Psychoterapia Systemowo-Kulturowa

Supervision Using the ISCP Method

(Interventional Systemic-Cultural Psychotherapy)

Supervision by this method involves developing a base for yourself as a psychotherapist. It facilitates learning about your strengths, weaknesses and, above all, your own limitations as a specialist. It also gives you a superintendent’s base and allows you to get guidance in various areas that are only mentioned “in passing” at regular supervisions.

I invite individuals, especially young psychotherapists, following the path of accreditation by major Societies such as the Polish Psychological Society, the Polish Psychiatric Society or others.

Supervision by the ISCP method should be considered as an opportunity to enrich your knowledge and competence with other points of reference, which, for various reasons, may be interesting or important for a person engaged in giving psychological support. It takes place once every 3 months, unless there is a need to conduct it more frequently.